📕 Node [[digital psychogeography]]
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📄 digital-psychogeography.md by @neil ️🔗 ✍️

digital psychogeography

Thanks to a couple of recent [[thinking prompts]] from [[Panda]] and [[Graham]], [[psychogeography]] was on my mind. And lazily putting the word ‘digital’ in front of another always seems to be on my mind…

…So I have been thinking about the idea of digital psychogeography, [[drifting]] through [[hypertext]]. Perhaps as a means of rediscovering lost history, and maybe as a way to break out of self- and algorithmically-prescribed [[filter bubbles]].

And well what do you know, there’s already a rich vein of articles out there on the idea of being a [[cyberflâneur]].

(When I think cyberflâneur, I think ‘[[Kicks Condor]]‘).

See: [[psychogeography]].

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